Learn More About Hair Loss

The Mane™ team have been pioneers in the hair loss industry for the last four decades. Mane™'s team of experts are dedicated to looking for real, effective solutions to hair loss to help appease the physiological effects of the issue. Hair loss is often misunderstood and research remains underfunded. However, Mane™ is pleased to offer free information to help you understand what you are going through better.

Much like many things in nature, hair has its own growth cycle. This is made up of three stages, Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Simply put, if this loop is broken and the Anagen stage no longer occurs then growth stops and hair loss occurs as a result.

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This is the active stage of growth where the hair follicles in the scalp produce hair and so the hair shaft grows. After a few weeks this growth stops and the Catagen stage commences.


At this stage the hair stops actively growing and the hair follicle begins to shrink and becomes detached from the hair shaft so preventing the hair from receiving any more nutrients. This hair shaft becomes known as a club hair.


After the formation of the club hair the hair follicle remains in a period of rest for approximately 100 days. At the end of this period the club hair will fall out and the Anagen phase will re-commence as the hair follicle once more becomes active and starts to reproduce hair. If the Anagen stage does not re-start then you will experience permanent hair loss.


Despite what many people may promise you, there is currently no known cure for hair loss. Hair loss can be triggered by many things, genetics, hormonal changes (such as pregnancy and menopause), shock or trauma and diet and lifestyle. Sometimes, we can make lifestyle changes to restore our hair and others, time is all the hair needs to get back on track in its cycle. But unfortunately, the majority of hair loss products that promise to boost your hair growth and ‘give you your hair back’ have very little to no scientific backing.

Is there anything else one can do to promote hair growth?

There are plenty of changes that can be made to promote a healthier scalp and healthier hair – but once the hair has fallen out, it is very challenging and sometimes impossible to reverse this. Sometimes, the answer lies in diet and by enriching your protein and vitamin and nutrient intake you may be able to increase the vitality of your hair. We always recommend seeking advice from your GP on your hair loss.


Yes. There are a number of things that can be done to promote a healthier scalp resulting in more hair growth, but this will not stop or reverse hair loss. By looking after your intake of vitamins and minerals and taking care of your scalp one can slow down the balding or thinning process. Protein is necessary for healthy hair growth as keratin which makes up the hair is essentially made up of protein; so diets that avoid protein should not be practiced.

Mane™ offers aesthetic solutions to hair loss, which instantly boost confidence. With a choice of either the Mane™ Thickening Hair Spray or Mane™ Hair Thickening Fibers for thick hair and zero side effects. 

Lifestyle change: Sometimes hair loss can be lifestyle induced, speak to your general practitioner to see if you need to make any changes to boost your hair growth.  

Hair transplants: This is a costly solution but is of course a major surgery and requires taking drugs post treatment 

Hair loss occurs when the hair follicles stop reproducing themselves. Hair loss is normally genetically inherited and how it will affect you is often genetically predetermined. The only other causes know are either illness, medication, stress and hormonal changes which by changing either your physiological structure or your health can affect the supply of nutrients to certain parts of your body, including the hair follicles.

Hair has a lifespan of between 2 to 6 years. When hair eventually falls a new hair starts growing after the rest period of a few months. So it is quite normal for the hair to fall out every day. When this happens it does not mean that the hair lived and died, but rather that the hair fibre has done its programmed function and the root will get rid of it to start a new cycle. Hair loss only becomes a problem when the new hair is not produced at the same rate as the lost hair. Because we have so many hairs on our scalp when this loss process starts we do not realise the effect of it until we start seeing the scalp. Apart from the natural programmed shedding of hair there is also other reasons why hair loss can occur prematurely. One common reason is illness or disease or the treatment to cure these conditions.

This is typically the most common cause of hair loss, and usually the hardest to combat. It can strike at any age without warning. 

The % of both men and women suffering from hair loss rises with age. This is often due to the hormonal changes, particularly the drop in oestrogen for women during the menopause. 

Lifestyle factors:
Smoking, excess alcohol consumption and a lack of essential vitamins and nutrients can also be responsible for hair loss. The body prioritizes delivering nutrients to the hair last as it is not recognized as an essential function, so if you are deprived in any nutritional area this is likely to impact this. 

There are some illnesses that can cause permanent hair loss, this family of illness is usually called alopecia. This can occur in patches on the head or can even affect the whole body, causing eyelashes and eyebrows to fall out as well as body hair.  

The body can also go into shock after a traumatic illness, which is why there were many reports of hair loss following Covid-19. The cycle of the hair is disrupted and partly delayed, causing the hair to shed but not be replaced. However, this is usually temporary and repairs itself in 6-12 weeks. 

Cancer treatments can result in hair loss or baldness through the mechanism of the body’s defence system attacking indiscriminately to destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy in some cases can also result in hair loss. 

Physical damage: 
Bleaching and excess heat can damage hair beyond repair. Hair is fragile and a lot of products can disrupt their structural matrix causing them to shed or snap off. 

Tension Alopecia:
is also caused by certain hairstyles. When people wear extensions or weaves, or constantly have their hair in a high ponytail or tight bun – the weight of their hair pulls down on follicles, weakening their anchorage and sometimes causing loss. 

This is genetically determined. As to the reason why some are chosen; no one really knows. All explanations are mere speculations.